Apr 25, 2012

Q4 Did you produce a product/project about Medellín?

Natalie Robles

I continued with my interest in documentary studies after Medellín; the whole project sparked something within in me, something much more powerful and natural than music making. I’d been thinking I was going to continue as a music major for the rest of my Duke career, but when I came back, I was very curious about cultural anthropology and documentaries. I wanted to know more about these areas, so when I went to New York after Colombia, I decided to take an internship at a small documentary production company called “Slowly I Turned” productions. The office was on W 19th Street in Chelsea, and the Manhattan life was invigorating. I was in love with New York, and I was loved the logging, transcribing, and video-watching I was doing at my internship. So while in that environment, I decided for my final Duke in NY English class project that I was going to make a video about musical street performers in New York. I used my parents’ old camcorder and filmed three acts. It was a different, quirky side of New York; an artsy, bohemian scene. But I loved it and loved interacting with these people. I wanted others to know about this scene too. So I edited and brought the film together, creating my first new form of art (after Medellín). I was used to practicing and performing a piece on my clarinet, but now I was putting together several stories and projecting them on a screen. I was still very self-conscious about what I was showing people, but it was a feeling I liked; a feeling of satisfaction.
            I left New York and deciding to change my major to Cultural Anthropology. I’m now minoring in music and am pursuing a certificate in Documentary Studies. I’m trying to find an internship in New York this summer, and hope to interact with the film industry more. I hope my plans for the future involve some interaction with South America again, but I’m still open to any and all new ideas and experiences. But Medellín definitely shaped my new interest in filming. 

 Cassidy Fleck

In terms of products I created about Medellin, I focused a lot of my early writing assignments on processing my experience. I’ve written two short stories, one based off of my host mother and another an account of a night out with Cesar.