Apr 25, 2012

How effective was the DukeEngage Colombia Retreat?

Natalie Robles
The retreat was great. It allowed to take a step back from the hectic Duke life and reintegrate the Medellín experience back into my life. Not that I’d forgotten about it, because I certainly had not, but I was able to analyze how I wanted to continue with the guidance of my directors, Tam and Jota, for the rest of my college career. I plan on returning to Medellín, and reflecting upon how our lives changed after the trip and how we have and can use our experience in other aspects of our life was very nourishing. I was nourished in the sense that I felt out of the loop and a little disconnected from the unforgettable experience I had had, but now I was able to take a step back, forget about the stresses of school, and put the experience into perspective. I feel like the retreat is perfect a year after the fact; having a retreat immediately after coming back from Medellín would have been too soon. Time has allowed me to reflect upon everything, and everyone who came to the retreat seems matured by the experience. I feel matured and enlightened by it as well, and I’m very grateful we had the experience. They should do it again next year at the same place; the calm atmosphere added to the reflecting we needed to do. It was a lovely space to come together again. 

Gideon Rosenthal

            Thank you so much for this opportunity to come on a retreat with my fellow Duke Engagers and our program directors, Tam and Jota. It was an excellent opportunity to get away from Duke and to reconnect and reflect on our trip. I enjoyed discussing how we felt when we returned to the states and what the trip meant to us after all these months. It certainly granted us with some closure on the experience. However, hopefully our time with DE has not truly closed. I hope that we will be able to stay involved with the program and that Tam and Jota will be able to help us in our future endeavors. Thank you once again for giving us this opportunity as well as DE Colombia itself. 

Jessica David

Participating in this retreat with DukeEngage Colombia students has been a great experience and a wonderful conclusion to the project and my undergraduate career at Duke. It was great getting away from campus and being able to reminisce on the time we spent in Medellín, the people we met, and the videos that we were able to produce at the end of the project. We discussed ways that we can continue to promote and help the project and ways in which we can benefit from our experience. Tam and Jota have been great directors and I plan to stay in contact with them in the future. We have truly built a great relationship through DukeEngage Colombia. This bond that has been established will remain for some time to come.

 Cassidy Fleck

I am grateful for the opportunity to attend this retreat. It was nice to leave Duke’s campus and reflect about my experiences both in Colombia and how those experiences led to other events and opportunities in my life. It was great to reconnect with Tam and Jota and to hear from other students who have since participated in the program. For me, this retreat reminded me that my experience with DE Colombia is applicable to so many aspects of my life. As a graduating senior, I have had tunnel vision in terms of careers and opportunities and being able to reflect has reminded me of how open my life truly is to new experiences and even possibly revisiting old ones. I believe every DE student should have this time to reflect and I only wish I had had it sooner.

 Gabriela Arredondo-Santisteban

            The retreat has provided me a great environment to reflect on my experience with DukeEngage. Having a space that is away from Duke allowed me to reconnect with my memories and come together with my fellow DukeEngagers. The cabin we stayed in allowed us to relax and take our time developing our thoughts to reflect on our time spent in Colombia as a group and individually. We each have our own emotions, ideas, and memories to share. At Duke we are constantly moving around with classes to go to and homework to turn in, so it was nice to take a step back from that chaos to have a moment to reconnect with our DukeEngage family. This retreated served somewhat as a closing for my time in Medellín because I’m not sure when I’ll be able to go back, but at the same time it allowed me to think of ideas for the future of what I can accomplish because of DukeEngage.